© 2012 Paul Stokes
The Friends Of Drakelow
April 2005 - Goodbye to Adit D Adit D had been a security problem from the beginning.
It was the scene of a break-in 1996, which resulted in most of the worst
vandalism and theft from the complex over a period of several weeks
before the owners were made aware of the problem. This was before our
time and was rectified by the owners with substantial reinforcements
to the steel door. This proved sufficient and was problem free until
late 2004 when it was breached again. This damage was rectified with
1/4" steel plate, but unfortunately early in 2005 it was breached
again. Several schemes were discussed to rectify the problem, including
completely backfilling adit D and its approach. We needed a permanent
but affordable solution. It was eventually decided that the best option
was to board up and fill the space from the door to the front face of
the wall with a hard mix of concrete an reinforce it too. We could not
afford to hire contractors to do it, so Roger became Project Manager.
Adit D now sits behind approximately 2 metres of solid reinforced concrete-
about 17 and a half tons of it! It is unlikely that it will ever be
used again.
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